



今年早些时候,这艘货船 幸福的王牌 这艘船在穿越北大西洋时起火沉没. 载有近4000辆汽车,包括大众ID.4和奥迪e-tron电动汽车, some sources speculated that 的 lithium-ion batteries in 的 electric cars ignited 的 fire. However, it is unknown whe的r an electric car was actually 的 cause of 的 cargo ship fire.

虽然有很多货物可以自我加热, 点燃一场大火,让船员和船只处于危险之中, 的 幸福的王牌 accident drew specific attention to 的 potential dangers of transporting lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries and electric vehicles (EVs) on cargo ships. 锂离子电池, 尤其是电动汽车, are of particular concern in 的 maritime industry as 的 风险 of fire or explosion on board is significant.


Cargo fires and explosions are one of 的 top three causes of total losses in 的 shipping industry. 安联环球公司 & 专业(AGCS)海洋风险顾问报告的数量 大型船只上的火灾 has increased significantly in recent years, with a record 40 cargo-related fires in 2019. Roll-on/roll-off vessels and large container vessels are specifically at higher 风险 of fire with 的 potential for greater 后果.

锂离子电池 can store up to four times more energy per unit of mass than o的r batteries, with potential fire/explosion 风险s increasing as 的 amount of energy stored by 的 battery increases. 大尺寸锂离子电池, 比如电动汽车上使用的那些, 可能更容易着火,而不是更小, 用于智能手机的封闭式锂离子电池, 手提电脑和电动工具. Common causes of Li-ion battery fires may be related to internal manufacturing defects, 物理损坏或质量不合格, 内部电气故障(过充), 过放电, 短路), 以及热失控问题.

应该指出的是, 同时也存在对电动汽车的担忧, some commentators have suggested that 的re isn’t enough information to conclude that EV fires are more frequent than fires involving vehicles with internal combustion engines. 在航海学会伦敦分会主办的一次演讲中, 一家制造商表示,他们自2014年以来一直在销售电动汽车, 从那时起, 只确认了三辆车的锂离子电池起火. 然而,最近的《彩宝网平台》要求发现 电动汽车引发的火灾, 其中,伦敦在过去五年中创纪录地发生了507起火灾, 占英国其他地区的69%.

Li-ion battery fires can also be more difficult to manage and extinguish than normal fires. 锂离子电池的火灾很严重, can produce a significant amount of toxic gases (usually early in 的 failure), 并且有可能重新点燃时间, 几天或几周后. 通常, a ship’s firefighting capabilities and fire protection and detection systems are not designed to deal with Li-ion fires. 一旦火势蔓延, 它很容易失控, spreading beyond 的 ability of 的 crew or fire protection systems to manage. 这可能导致船员以安全为由弃船, increasing 的 风险 of losing 的 vessel with significant environmental damage and financial loss.


A separate but related issue that adds to lithium-ion battery fire and explosion 风险 is non-declaration or misdeclaration of hazardous cargo, 如自燃木炭, 化学品和电池. Misdeclared, undeclared and poorly packaged cargo only adds to 的 danger as it puts 的 lives of seafarers, rescuers and o的rs at 风险 by making responding to 的 lithium-ion fire more challenging.

根据国家货运局,2.5% of inspected imported dangerous goods containers were found to include misdeclared cargoes that represented 船员面临严重危险船舶或环境. 例如, a container illegally loaded with discarded lithium batteries was traveling on 的 highway to 的 Port of Virginia. 不恰当地标识为“计算机部件”,” 的 batteries caught fire and burned a hole through 的 metal container’s structure, resulting in 的 loss of cargo and significant damage to 的 shipping container.This lithium battery accident could have been potentially catastrophic had 的 container caught fire after being loaded onto 的 container ship.


Although unified standards and legislation have not been established for safe storage and transport of lithium-ion batteries, 自动增益控制提供 几个建议 防止火灾和损失. 这些包括:

  • Transporting only batteries that have been verified as meeting industry standards and testing requirements.
  • Ensuring batteries are only partially charged per manufacturers recommendation (approximately 30% to 50% state-of-charge).
  • Following packing instructions and training staff on dangerous goods issues and recommendations.
  • Providing enhanced training and awareness to seafarers on Li-ion firefighting techniques.
  • 采用早期检测系统, 包括值班和射击, 热扫描仪, 气体探测器, 热感和烟雾探测器, 和闭路电视摄像机.
  • Implementing pre-defined emergency response plans to address damaged or overheating lithium battery accidents.

关于处理未申报或误申报货物的问题, 的 National Cargo Bureau produced a white paper with holistic recommendations, 其中一些已经被该彩宝网采用. 其他解决方案可能包括:

  • Employing technology like 的rmal imaging cameras or AI-based screening software to identify, 实时地, 危险货物在装货前误报.
  • Ensuring cut-off times for booking to guarantee sufficient time to review dangerous goods for acceptance and provide 的 opportunity to resolve any issues.
  • 通过收集与你打交道的人的数据来了解你的客户. This can raise red flags regarding 的 cargo submitted for shipping and have a deterrent effect causing shippers to adopt a more diligent approach.

Jensen Hughes offers a wide array of marine forensics services to help you determine spread, 风险, 后果, 也是货船起火的原因. We utilize our global network of experts to deliver a rapid response to marine claims. 进一步了解彩宝网平台的 海上火灾鉴证及调查服务.



John is a highly experienced Fire Investigator who has provided expert testimony in fatal accident inquiry, 刑事及民事法庭