


Many of us have had surgeries or know someone who has. But did you know that those surgeries can also be conducive for a fire? ECRI研究所估计约为90-100 手术的火灾 每年都在美国发生. 手术的火灾, 虽然罕见, can have devastating consequences for patients, 工作人员, and the reputation of the healthcare facility. 然而,这些火灾是可以预防的. 除了, most healthcare Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) have adopted the 2012 Edition of NFPA 99 that requires hazard assessments and mandatory training for all OR personnel.


手术的火灾 are defined as fires that happen in, on or around the patient during a medical or surgical procedure. 一些外科手术的火焰只持续几秒钟. Others can grow exponentially occurring in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, which leads to the many of cases of hospital fires. These fires occur when all three elements of the “fire triangle” are present, including:

  • High concentrations of oxygen (or nitrous oxide)
  • 点火源(如.g. 电灼装置,激光,光纤)
  • 燃料源(如.g. alcohol-based agents, surgical drapes, hair, tissue or skin).

Al虽然罕见, these fires can result in severe burns, disfigurement or even death.

How Can Surgical Teams Prevent Fires During Surgery?

Before beginning a procedure and prior to a single incision, the surgical team should conduct a Surgical Fire Risk Assessments (FRA). FRAs can help identify the presence of the three critical elements and easily be incorporated into routine processes that are already in place to identify other perioperative assessments and concerns. 例如, after a team has verified the correct surgical site, 患者识别和过敏, the Surgical Fire Risk Assessments will help determine specific risk factors and include a scoring mechanism to identify the surgery’s fire risk as “high,”“中,或“低”风险. The scoring is an important instrument to initiate open communication between the team to ensure the proper fire prevention procedures and risk mitigation strategies are in place.

How Else Can Teams Conduct Surgical Fire Safety Risk Assessment?

Hospitals and surgery centers need to invest time in education and training in order to ensure 工作人员, surgeons and anesthesia providers are prepared to handle such an event. Different members of the surgical team should know 如何 to suppress various types of 手术的火灾. 例如, an airway fire is almost always handled by the anesthesia provider in the room. The anesthesia provider must stop the flow of oxygen prior to extubating the patient. Failure to do so and extubating prior to stopping the flow of oxygen can cause the fire to burn all the way up the patient’s airway and continue to burn inside the Operating Room.

Facilities should have a process in place to handle the suppression of airway fires, 褶皱的火灾, prep solution fires and even equipment fires that can occur inside the room. All facilities should train and practice these techniques within their organization.

Evacuation and emergency procedures should have clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each surgical team member to identify 如何 they will assist in the evacuation of the operating room should a fire occur. Proper evacuation sites should be identified and comparable to the operating room environment. 例如, 如果病人断了氧, 抽吸或监测, they need an evacuation site that can accommodate oxygen, 抽吸和监测.

手术的火灾 are a life-changing event; not only for patients but for the 工作人员 involved as well. Surgical teams need to know and understand the surgical fire risks and dangers that surround them. In this type of fire emergency, surgical 工作人员 are truly the first line of defense.

了解彩宝网平台的外科消防项目和 如何 to prepare your surgical teams for a fire emergency.